Builder’s 11 Month Inspection

Builder’s Warranty Inspection


For most new homeowners, the first year of living in a newly built home will feel like a luxury vacation. Everything looks shiny and clean: the brand new appliances, shiny wood floors, sparkling granite countertops and all the accessories that turn a house into a home. Sipping coffee under the new porch, a happy new homeowner may look around and exclaim, “This is perfect. Absolutely perfect!”

But… Is it?

As your first-year anniversary in the house comes close, it can slip your mind that your builder’s one-year home warranty is about to expire. First, it’s wise take the time to read over what the warranty covers (for example, one to two years for materials and workmanship, as in many contracts). Then, call a home inspector for a Builder’s 11 Month Inspection to give the property a thorough examination before the builder’s warranty has expired and you will get stuck with the bill if you find a problem. Some of our longest reports have been Builder’s 11 Month Inspection reports. Mistakes can be made when deadlines are rushed. Sometimes a fresh set of eyes make all the difference.

For those warranties that are set to become ineffective, AIHI offers a Builder’s 11 Month Inspection. A perfect chance to have contractors and subcontractors fix often hard-to-detect problems at their expense rather than your own. Even when no issues are found, such inspections give homeowners the peace of mind of knowing there are no major problems to be worried about at the moment.

Allow us to come do a full Builder’s 11 Month Inspection before the warranty ends. Don’t get stuck with the bill.


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Fast and Professional

For most of our inspections we can guarantee a 24-hr turnaround time, making us one of the fastest experienced professionals in our industry. 

7 Days a week from 9 AM – 9 PM

We understand life can be hectic with work and/or family. We are open 7 days a week from 9 AM to 9 PM to accommodate your schedule.


We are licensed, Certified Professional Inspectors, acknowledged by InterNachi and the state of Florida.

AIHI All Integrity Home Inspections Florida InterNachi Certified Master Inspector"
NFIP - National Flood Insurance Program"
IICRC - Institution of Inspection Cleaning, Restauration, and Certification"